Illuminating Blogger Award

In late June while I was away travelling, Julie from Anglers Rest nominated my blog for the Illuminating Blogger Award, initiated by the FoodStories blog. One of the most amazing things about blogging is learning about and from others, making virtual friends and sharing comments over our posts. Thank you Julie for including me in your list of selected blogs.

The rules of the award are straightforward:

  1. The nominee should visit the award site ( and leave a comment indicating that they have been nominated and by whom. (This step is so important because it’s the only way that we can create a blogroll of award winners).
  2. The Nominee should thank the person that nominated them by posting & including a link to their blog.
  3. The Nominee should include a courtesy link back to the official award site ( in their blog post.
  4. Share one random thing about yourself in your blog post.
  5. Select at least five other bloggers that you enjoy reading their illuminating, informative posts and nominate them for the award. Many people indicate that they wish they could nominate more so please feel free to nominate all your favorites.
  6. Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog, including a link to the award site (

One small fact about me: while family history is now my passion, I once wanted to be a marine biologist.

My selection of the six other blogs I’ve chosen for their illuminating, informative, and frequently evocative posts are:

  1. As They Were for bringing Irish researchers together and keeping everyone in the loop with what’s happening in the Irish research world.
  2. Becoming Prue for her interesting stories on some unusual and talented ancestors.
  3. Family History Fun for personal stories and informative posts on Scottish research possibilities.
  4. Finding Eliza for teaching me so much about African American heritage and family history research as well as personal life stories.
  5. Roots’n’Leaves for teasing out the local history stories as well as the family stories from her ancestor’s diaries.
  6. Seeking Susan ~ Meeting Marie ~Finding Family for descriptive posts which tug at the heart strings.

As always I could nominate so many more, but as hazardous as this task is, I’ll stick with this half dozen.  You can see my list of blogs I love to follow here, some of whom I’ve nominated in past awards.

Also if you’ve never heard of Genealogists for Families please do have a look at the blog and the link on Kiva. This group has grown enormously in less than 12 months and is doing a world of good to help less advantaged families help themselves. Our small loans  are repaid progressively releasing funds to make further loans.

Why not join us? Your small loan can make a big difference!

12 thoughts on “Illuminating Blogger Award

  1. Thanks for your nomination Pauline… am still in a state of shock. Guess it’s because I began my Family History Blog for my children and grandchildren and never, for a moment, thought that anyone else would be interested in my Reflections, Ruminations and Really silly “stuff” that pops up from time to time. Guess it’s now time for me to “take a Bex and have a good lie down”… 😀


    1. It’s wonderful isn’t it how much difference it makes to realise others enjoy our posts. As you know I really love your posts and more than a few have reduced me to tears, and a few to laughter, including the Bex and lie down as my father was a bit of a Bex man. Enjoy!


  2. Thank you so much, Pauline, for your nomination. I am over the moon about it. I get so much pleasure from writing my blog, it is great to hear other bloggers also enjoy reading it and it makes it even more worthwhile. .


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