Super Sweet Blogger Award

I’d like to thank Holly from Writing Straight for this award which she gave me ages ago, but life got in the way and I forgot to respond. Ooops, sorry, that’s not too sweet. So since we’re in award mode at present I thought I’d just do this for fun and I’d use it to tell you about some non-genie blogs I follow (even though some are also genies). To make up for my tardiness I’m throwing in a few extra. Did I mention my great grandfather Melvin was a pastry cook and confectioner?


Rules for this award include: Thank the super sweet blogger who made the nomination, Nominate a baker’s dozen of other bloggers (below…), and answer five questions:

  1. Cookie or cake?  Cake! Orange Coconut, Chocolate Rum….
  2. Chocolate or Vanilla? No contest – chocolate. Vanilla doesn’t do it for me.
  3. What is your favourite sweet treat? Lemon Meringue Pie
  4. When do you crave sweet things the most? All the time but especially when I have a bad headache.
  5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be?  Honey?

And for the sweetness award, I nominate this baker’s dozen (plus a few) of super-sweet blogs:

Writing Straight (if I was closer I’d owe Holly a baker’s dozen of real cakes for being so tardy)

View from the Teapot (life in France, my Jubilee Swap partner)

2013 in 365 photos (photos)

A Big Life ( Germany, Australia, expat life)

Book’d Out (books and more books)

Broadside (news and opinion pieces)

 Claremont Globetrotters (Amazing travelling)

French Essence (Paris, Provence!!)

Jillballau (photos and travel)

Matteo Grilli Wildlife Art (gorgeous art)

Stuck in Customs (professional photos)

Wholesome Cook (food glorious food)

Your Brisbane, Past and Present (stories and photos)

And my bonus sweet bloggers:

The Boggo Blog (history of the Boggo Rd Gaol)

The Magpie’s Fancy (writing and images)

The Sacred Cave (photos and writing)

Leaving Cairo, the UK and Back to Greece (travel & expat life)

Lifestyle from Amsterdam to Marrakech (Morroccan style)

4 thoughts on “Super Sweet Blogger Award

    1. I’m really enjoying the photos Aillin and I wish you all the very best with the enthusiasm levels. Fingers crossed the post brings one or two new readers to you.


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