An invitation to A to Z

A2Z-2013-BADGE-001Small_zps669396f9 (1)Last year I participated in the 2012 A to Z challenge and my theme was my family’s heritage places, long past and recent. Because it related to family history, I my stories posted on this blog.

This year my theme is about tourist spots and interesting places to visit across Australia’s north, especially in the Northern Territory. As well as some “what’s there” and “why visit”, I’m including some photos and some Australian colloquialisms (Aussie-isms, I’m calling them) which might help decipher some of the weird things Aussies say that mystify visitors.

If you feel like a bit of a virtual holiday, I’d like to invite you to join me on my Tropical Territory blog through April. Here’s where I explain what it’s all going to be about, including some maps marked with the places where I’ll be your tour guide from Alice Springs (NT) to Zebedee Springs (WA).

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