Family History Alphabet: A Plethora of P attributes

My theme for the Family History through the Alphabet is the Attributes we need as family historians: the skills, experience and talents we need to bring to our research. We’re powering through the alphabet and Week 16 brings us a plethora of “P” characteristics. P is for Privacy: No, not our own, though that they … More Family History Alphabet: A Plethora of P attributes

Family History Alphabet: O is Optimistic and Obsessive

My theme for the Family History through the Alphabet is the Attributes we need as family historians: the skills, experience and talents we need to bring to our research. We’re galloping through the alphabet now and Week 15 brings us to the “O” attributes. What are they going to be? O is for Optimistic: no … More Family History Alphabet: O is Optimistic and Obsessive

Family History Alphabet: M is for Mental Gymnastics, Maths and Mothers

My theme for the Family History through the Alphabet is the Attributes we need as family historians: the skills, experience and talents we need to bring to our research. Week 13 is in the middle of the alphabet and brings us the letter M. M is for MENTAL GYMNASTICS: I guess this is appropriate for … More Family History Alphabet: M is for Mental Gymnastics, Maths and Mothers

L is for learning, listening, local and living

My theme for the Family History through the Alphabet series is the Attributes we need as family historians: the skills, experience and talents we need to bring to our research. This week we’re nearing the half-way mark with the letter L. L is for LEARNING, one of the most important attributes we need as family historians. … More L is for learning, listening, local and living

K is for Kudos

Alona Tester from Gould Genealogy has proposed a Family History through the Alphabet series over the coming 26 weeks. I decided that my theme would be the Attributes we need as family historians: the skills, experience and talents you bring to your research. K may not bring to mind many attributes but the one it … More K is for Kudos

J is for Joy and Jubilation and a touch of Jealousy

Alona Tester from Gould Genealogy has proposed a Family History through the Alphabet series over the coming 26 weeks. I decided that my theme would be the Attributes we need as family historians: the skills, experience and talents you bring to your research. What does the letter J have in store? J is for Joy … More J is for Joy and Jubilation and a touch of Jealousy

Family History Alphabet: H is for Health and Happiness

Alona Tester from Gould Genealogy has proposed a Family History through the Alphabet series over the coming 26 weeks. I decided that my theme would be the Attributes we need as family historians: the skills, experience and talents you bring to your research. This week’s focus is on the letter H. H is for Health: … More Family History Alphabet: H is for Health and Happiness

Family History Alphabet: G is for guts, gumption and generosity

Alona Tester from Gould Genealogy has proposed a Family History through the Alphabet series over the coming 26 weeks. I decided that my theme would be the Attributes we need as family historians: the skills, experience and talents you bring to your research. This week’s focus is on G and a couple of these attributes … More Family History Alphabet: G is for guts, gumption and generosity