H hops into Hughenden, Herston, Hastings Point and H ships

I am participating in the A to Z 2012 blog challenge throughout April. My theme is a genealogical travelogue or a travel genealogue (I’m not sure which). H is for Hughenden Hughenden is a small town on the road between Mt Isa and Charters Towers and Townsville. We’ve visited in passing a few times but … More H hops into Hughenden, Herston, Hastings Point and H ships

52 weeks of Personal Genealogy and History: Week 29: Water and Hastings Point holidays

The topic for Week 29 in Amy Coffin’s and Geneablogger’s 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History series is: Water. Do you have any memories of the sea or another body of water? Did you live there or just visit? What did you do there? You can also describe a body of water by which you … More 52 weeks of Personal Genealogy and History: Week 29: Water and Hastings Point holidays

52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History: Week 28: Summer Down Under

The topic for Week 28 in Amy Coffin’s and Geneablogger’s 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History series is: Summer. What was summer like where and when you grew up? Describe not only the climate, but how the season influenced your activities, food choices, etc. How ironic that this blog topic arrived just as we left … More 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History: Week 28: Summer Down Under