Trove does it again – Bridget Widdup and the Florentia

Our good friend Trove has done it again! I mentioned in my East Clare post last week that I was waiting on a new release news story which looked tantalisingly optimistic. It’s now been released and has exceeded my hopes. Regular readers will recall my excitement back in late December when I found a clue … More Trove does it again – Bridget Widdup and the Florentia

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy: Week 5 Life experiences: Finding Mary O’Brien

Amy Coffin of the We Tree blog, in conjunction with Geneabloggers, has a new series of weekly blogging prompts for 2012 and the theme is 52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy.  Week 5’s topic is Life Experiences: Sometimes the challenges in life provide the best learning experiences. Can you find an example of this in your own family tree? … More 52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy: Week 5 Life experiences: Finding Mary O’Brien

Beyond the Internet Week 1: Church interiors

On his Graceland album, Paul Simon sings of “angels in the architecture”, a phrase that has always resonated with me. But have you considered that perhaps church architecture and interiors are also a source of references to your ancestral angels. Where possible most of us try to locate and photograph the churches of significance to our … More Beyond the Internet Week 1: Church interiors